sexta-feira, 11 de junho de 2010

The Seal in England

The label began to be used when the Stamp Act was passed by British Parliament in 1765, stipulating that all documents in circulation in the American colony should receive stamps from the metropolis.

Law Enforcement Stamp

Under the new order, the settlers had to affix stamps on all newspapers, pamphlets and numerous legal documents. As the seals were English, to buy them, the settlers transferred funds to England. The king justified the law by arguing that, with the Seven Years' War (fought against France), the English treasury had been exhausted and the colonists should help pay the debts incurred also for the interests deles.Dispunha this legal letter that all legal documents and publications in the American colonies had a stamp sold by agents ingleses.Estabelecia that all contracts should receive a seal, buying the English government, of course.This law lasted only one year because of the reactions of the population, who refused to pay such a preposterous charge passed in London, where they had no representative.

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